• Structure, interface abruptness and strain relaxation in self-assisted grown InAs/GaAs nanowires. S. Frigeri, D. Scarpellini, A. Fedorov, S. Bietti, C. Somaschini, V. Grillo, L. Esposito, M. Salvalaglio, A. Marzegalli, F. Montalenti, S. Sanguinetti. Applied Surface Science 395, 29 (2017)
  • Phase-field simulations of faceted Ge/Si-crystal arrays, merging into a suspended film. M. Salvalaglio, R. Bergamaschini, R. Backofen, A. Voigt, F. Montalenti, L. Miglio. Applied Surface Science 391, 33 (2017)


  • Pseudodirect to Direct Compositional Crossover in Wurtzite GaP/InGaP Core–Shell Nanowires. L. Gagliano, A. Belabbes, M. Albani, S. Assali, M.A. Verheijen, L. Miglio, F. Bechstedt, J.E.M. Haverkort, E.P.A.M. Bakkers. Nano Letters 16, 7930 (2016)
  • Kinetic growth mode of epitaxial GaAs on Si(001) micro-pillars. R. Bergamaschini, S. Bietti, A. Castellano, C. Frigeri, C.V. Falub, A. Scaccabarozzi, M. Bollani, H. von Känel, L. Miglio, S. Sanguinetti. Journal of Applied Physics 20, 245702 (2016)
  • Enhancing elastic stress relaxation in SiGe/Si heterostructures by Si pillar necking. F. Isa, M. Salvalaglio, Y. Arroyo Rojas Dasilva, A. Jung, G. Isella, R. Erni, B. Timotijevic, P. Niedermann, P. Gröning, F. Montalenti, and H. von Känel. Applied Physics Letters 109, 182112 (2016)
  • From plastic to elastic stress relaxation in highly mismatched SiGe/Si heterostructures. F. Isa, M. Salvalaglio, Y. Dasilva, A. Jung, G. Isella, R. Erni, P. Niedermann, P. Groning, F. Montalenti, H. von Känel. Acta Materialia 114, 97 (2016)
  • Modeling the competition between elastic and plastic relaxation in semiconductor heteroepitaxy: From cyclic growth to flat films. F. Rovaris, R. Bergamaschini and F. Montalenti. Physical Review B 94, 205304 (2016)
  • Phase-field simulations of faceted Ge/Si-crystal arrays, merging into a suspended film. M. Salvalaglio, R. Bergamaschini, R. Backofen, A. Voigt, F. Montalenti, L. Miglio. Applied Surface Science 391, 33 (2017)
  • Reduced-pressure chemical vapor deposition growth of isolated Ge crystals and suspended layers on micrometric Si pillars. O. Skibitzki, G. Capellini, Y. Yamamoto, P. Zaumseil, M.A. Schubert, T. Schroeder, A. Ballabio, R. Bergamaschini, M. Salvalaglio, L. Miglio and F. Montalenti. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 26374 (2016).
  • Dynamics of pit filling in heteroepitaxy via phase-field simulations. M. Albani, R. Bergamaschini and F. Montalenti Physical Review B 94, 075303 (2016).
  • Continuum modelling of semiconductor heteroepitaxy: an applied perspective. R. Bergamaschini, M. Salvalaglio, R. Backofen, A. Voigt, and F. Montalenti, Advances in Physics: X 1, 331 (2016).
  • Temperature-controlled coalescence during the growth of Ge crystals on deeply patterned Si substrates. R. Bergamaschini, M. Salvalaglio, A. Scaccabarozzi, F. Isa, C. V. Falub, G. Isella, H. von Känel, F. Montalenti, L. Miglio. Journal of Crystal Growth 440, 86 (2016).
  • GaAs/Ge crystals grown on Si substrates patterned down to the micron scale. A. G. Taboada, M. Meduňa, M. Salvalaglio, F. Isa, T. Kreiliger, C. V. Falub, E. Barthazy Meier, E. Müller, L. Miglio, G. Isella and H. von Känel. Journal of Applied Physics 119, 055301 (2016).
  • Highly Mismatched, Dislocation‐Free SiGe/Si Heterostructures. F. Isa, M. Salvalaglio, Y. A. Rojas Dasilva, M. Meduňa, M. Barget, A. Jung, T. Kreiliger, G. Isella, R. Erni, F. Pezzoli, E. Bonera, P. Niedermann, P. Gröning, F. Montalenti, H. von Känel. Advanced Materials 28, 884 (2016)
  • Photodetection in hybrid single layer graphene/fully coherent Ge island nanostructures selectively grown on Si nano-tip patterns. G. Niu, C. Giovanni, G. Lupina, T. Niermann, M. Salvalaglio, A. Marzegalli, M. A. Schubert, P. Zaumseil, H. Krause, O. Skibitzki, M. Lehmann, F. Montalenti, Y.-H. Xie, and T. Schroeder. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 2017 (2016).


  • Imaging Structure and Composition Homogeneity of 300 mm SiGe Virtual Substrates for Advanced CMOS Applications by Scanning X-ray Diffraction Microscopy. M. H. Zoellner, M.I. Richard, G. A. Chahine, P. Zaumseil, C. Reich, G. Capellini, F. Montalenti, A. Marzegalli, Y.H. Xie, T. U. Schülli, M. Häberlen, P. Storck, T. Schroeder. ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 7, 17 (2015)
  • Local uniaxial tensile strain in germanium of up to 4% induced by SiGe epitaxial nanostructures. M. Bollani, D. Chrastina, L. Gagliano, L. Rossetto, D. Scopece, M. Barget, V. Mondiali, J. Frigerio, M. Lodari, F. Pezzoli, F. Montalenti, E. Bonera. Applied Physics Letters 107, 083101 (2015)
  • Integration of GaN crystals on micro-patterned Si(001) substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. F.Isa, C. Chèze, M. Siekacz, C. Hauswald, J. Lähnemann, S. Fernandez-Garrido, T. Kreiliger, M. Ramsteiner, Y. Arroyo Rojas Dasilva, O. Brandt, G. Isella, R. Erni, R. Calarco, H. Riechert, L. Miglio. Cryst. Growth Des. 15 4886 (2015)
  • Three-dimensional Ge/SiGe multiple quantum wells deposited on Si(001) and Si(111) patterned substrates. F. Isa, F. Pezzoli, G. Isella, M. Meduna, C.V. Falub, E. Mueller, T. Kreiliger, A.G. Taboada, H. von Kanel and L. Miglio. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 30, 105001 (2015)
  • Engineered Coalescence by Annealing of 3D Ge Microstructures into High-Quality Suspended Layers on Si. M. Salvalaglio, R. Bergamaschini, F. Isa, A. Scaccabarozzi, G. Isella, R. Backofen, A. Voigt, F. Montalenti, G. Capellini, T. Schroeder, H. Von Kanel, L. Miglio. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, 19219 (2015).
  • Three-dimensional Ge/SiGe multiple quantum wells deposited on Si(001) and Si(111) patterned substrates. F. Isa, F. Pezzoli, G. Isella, M. Meduňa, C. V. Falub, E. Müller, T. Kreiliger, A. G. Taboada, H. von Känel, L. Miglio. Semiconductor Science & Technology 30, 105001 (2015).
  • Burgers Vector Analysis of Vertical Dislocations in Ge Crystals by Large-Angle Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction. H. Groiss, M. Glaser, A. Marzegalli, F. Isa, G. Isella, L. Miglio and F. Schäffler. Microscopy and Microanalysis 21, 637 (2015).
  • InAs/GaAs sharply-defined axial heterostructures in self-assisted nanowires. D. Scarpellini, C. Somaschini, A.Fedorov, S. Bietti, C. Frigeri, V. Grillo, L. Esposito, M. Salvalaglio, A. Marzegalli, F. Montalenti, E. Bonera, P. G. Medaglia, and S. Sanguinetti. Nano Letters 15, 3677 (2015)
  • Faceting of Equilibrium and Metastable Nanostructures: a Phase-Field model of surface diffusion tackling realistic shapes. M. Salvalaglio, R. Backofen, R. Bergamaschini, F. Montalenti, and A. Voigt. Crystal Growth & Design 15, 2787 (2015)
  • Imaging Structure and Composition Homogeneity of 300 mm SiGe Virtual Substrates for Advanced CMOS Applications by Scanning X‐ray Diffraction Microscopy. M. H. Zoellner, M. Richard, G. A. Chahine, P. Zaumseil, C. Reich, G. Capellini, F. Montalenti, A. Marzegalli, Y. Xie, T. U. Schulli, M. Haberlen, P. Storck and T. Schroeder. ACS Applied Materials & Interface 7, 9031 (2015)
  • Delayed plastic relaxation limit in SiGe islands grown by Ge diffusion from a local source. G. M. Vanacore, G. Nicotra, M. Zani, M. Bollani, E. Bonera, F. Montalenti, G. Capellini, G. Isella, J. Osmond, A. Picco, F. Boioli and A. Tagliaferri. Journal of Applied Physics 117, 104309 (2015)


  • Strain release management in SiGe/Si films by substrate patterning. V.Mondiali, M. Bollani, D. Chrastina, R. Rubert, G. Chahine, M. I. Richard, S. Cecchi, L. Gagliano E. Bonera, T. Schülli and L. Miglio. Applied Physics Letters 105, 242103 (2014)
  • Fine control of plastic and elastic relaxation in three-dimensional Ge/Si vertical heterostructures. Marco Salvalaglio and Francesco Montalenti. Journal of Appied Physics 116, 104306 (2014).
  • Photoluminescence study of the strain relaxation of GaAs crystals grown on deeply patterned Si substrates. A. Scaccabarozzi, S. Bietti, A. Fedorov, H. von Kanel, L. Miglio and S. Sanguinetti. Journal of Crystal Growth 401, 559 (2014).
  • Strained Ge bulk and nanomembranes for optoelectronic applications: a systematic numerical analysis. D. Scopece, F. Montalenti, M. Bollani, D. Chrastina and E. Bonera. Semiconductor Science Technology 29, 095012 (2014).
  • Ge Crystals on Si Show their light. F. Pezzoli, F. Isa, G. Isella, C. V. Falub, T. Kreiliger, M. Salvalaglio, R. Bergamaschini, E. Grilli, M. Guzzi, H. von Känel, L. Miglio. Physical Review Applied 1, 044005 (2014).
  • The interplay of morphological and compositional evolution in crystal growth: a phase-field model. Rainer Backofen, Roberto Bergamaschini, Axel Voigt. Philosophical Magazine 94 (2014).
  • Plastic and Elastic Strain Fields in GaAs/Si Core-Shell Nanowires. Sònia Conesa-Boj, Francesca Boioli, Eleonora Russo-Averchi, Sylvain Dunand, Martin Heiss, Daniel Rüffer, Nicolas Wyrsch, Christophe Ballif, Leo Miglio, and Anna Fontcuberta i Morral. Nano Letters 14, 1859 (2014).
  • A Structural Characterization of GaAs MBE Growth on Si Pillars. C. Frigeri, S. Bietti, A. Scaccabarozzi, R. Bergamaschini, C.V. Falub, V. Grillo, M. Bollani, E. Bonera, P. Niedermann, H. von Känel, S. Sanguinetti, L. Miglio, Acta Physica Polonica A 125, 986 (2014).
  • Epitaxial Ge-crystal arrays for X-ray detection. T. Kreiliger, C.V. Falub, F. Isa, G. Isella, D. Chrastina, R. Bergamaschini, A. Marzegalli, R. Kaufmann, P. Niedermann, A. Neels, E. Müller, M. Meduna, A. Dommann, L. Miglio and H. von Känel, Journal of Instrumentation 9, C03019 (2014).
  • Strain relaxation of GaAs/Ge crystals on patterned Si substrates. A. G. Taboada, T. Kreiliger, C. V. Falub, F. Isa, M. Salvalaglio, L. Wewior, D. Fuster, M. Richter, E. Uccelli, P. Niedermann, A. Neels, F. Mancarella, J. Fompeyrine, B. Alén, L. Miglio, A. Dommann, G. Isella, and H. von Känel. Applied Physics Letters 104, 022112 (2014)
  • Fully coherent growth of Ge on free-standing Si(001) nanomesas. Francesco Montalenti, Marco Salvalaglio, Anna Marzegalli, Peter Zaumseil, Giovanni Capellini, Tobias U. Schülli, Andreas Schubert, Yuji Yamamoto, Bernd Tillack, and Thomas Schroeder. Physical Review B 89, 014101 (2014)
  • 3D heteroepitaxy of mismatched semiconductors on silicon. C. V. Falub, T. Kreiliger, F. Isa, A. G. Taboada, M. Meduňa, F. Pezzoli, R. Bergamaschini, A. Marzegalli, E. Müller, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, A. Neels, P. Niedermann, A. Dommann, L. Miglio, and H. von Känel. Thin Solid Films 557, 42 (2014)


  • Monolithic integration of optical grade GaAs on Si (001) substrates deeply patterned at a micron scale. S. Bietti, A. Scaccabarozzi, C. Frigeri, M. Bollani, E. Bonera, C. V. Falub, H. von Kanel, L. Miglio, S. Sanguinetti.  Applied Physics Letters 103, 262106 (2013).
  • Onset of vertical threading dislocations in Si1-xGex/Si (001) at a critical Ge concentration. Fabio Isa, Anna Marzegalli, Alfonso G. Taboada, Claudiu V. Falub, Giovanni Isella, Francesco Montalenti, Hans von Känel, and Leo Miglio. APL Materials 1, 052109 (2013).
  • Self-aligned Ge and SiGe three-dimensional epitaxy on dense Si pillar arrays. Roberto Bergamaschini, Fabio Isa, Claudiu V. Falub, Philippe Niedermann, Giovanni Isella, Hans von Kanel and Leo Miglio. Surface Science Report 68, 390 (2013)
  • Onset of plastic relaxation in the growth of Ge on Si(001) at low temperatures: Atomic-scale microscopy and dislocation modeling. Anna Marzegalli, Matteo Brunetto, Marco Salvalaglio, Francesco Montalenti, Giuseppe Nicotra, Mario Scuderi, Corrado Spinella, Monica De Seta, Giovanni Capellini. Physical Review B 88, 165418 (2013)
  • Hydrostatic strain enhancement in laterally confined SiGe stripes. G. M. Vanacore, M. Chaigneau, N. Barrett, M. Bollani, F. Boioli, M. Salvalaglio, F. Montalenti, N. Manini, L. Caramella, P. Biagioni, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, O. Renault, M. Zani, R. Sordan, G. Onida, R. Ossikovski, H.J. Drouhin, and A. Tagliaferri. Physical Review B 88, 115309 (2013)
  • Unexpected dominance of vertical dislocations in high-misfit ge/si(001) films and their elimination by deep substrate patterning. Anna Marzegalli, Fabio Isa, Heiko Gross, Elisabeth Muller, Claudiu V. Falub, Alfonso G. Taboada, Philippe Niedermann, Giovanni Isella, Friedrich Schaffler, Francesco Montalenti, Hans von Kanel and Leo Miglio.  Advanced Materials 25, 4407 (2013)
  • “Divide et impera” in detector technology. Leo Miglio, Roberto Bergamaschini, Anna Marzegalli, Fabio Isa, Daniel Chrastina, Giovanni Isella, Philippe Niedermann, Alex Dommann, Claudiu V. Falub, Elisabeth Müller, and Hans von Känel. Il Nuovo Saggiatore 29, 7 (2013)
  • Self-organized evolution of Ge/Si(001) into intersecting bundles of horizontal nanowires during annealing. Zhang JJ, Rastelli A, Schmidt OG, Scopece D, Miglio, L and Montalenti F. Applied Physics Letters 103, 083109 (2013)
  • One-dimensional Ge nanostructures on Si(001) and Si(1110): Dominant role of surface energy. Francesco Montalenti, Daniele Scopece and Leo Miglio. Comptes Rendus Physique 14, 542 (2013)
  • Dislocation distribution across ultrathin silicon-on-insulator with epitaxial SiGe stressor. Emiliano Bonera, Riccardo Gatti, Giovanni Isella, Gerd Norga, Andrea Picco, Emanuele Grilli, Mario Guzzi, Michael Texier, Bernard Pichaud, Hans von Kanel and Leo Miglio. Applied Physics Letters 103, 053104 (2013)
  • Perfect crystals grown from imperfect interfaces. Claudiu V. Falub, Mojmir Meduna, Daniel Chrastina, Fabio Isa, Anna Marzegalli, Thomas Kreiliger, Alfonso G. Taboada, Giovanni Isella, Leo Miglio, Alex Dommann, Hans von Kanel. Scientific Reports 3, 2276 (2013)
  • Direct Measurement of Coherency Limits for Strain Relaxation in Heteroepitaxial Core/Shell Nanowires. Shadi A. Dayeh, Wei Tang, Francesca Boioli, Karen L. Kavanagh, He Zheng, Jian Wang, Nathan H. Mack, Greg Swadener, Jian Yu Huang, Leo Miglio, King-Ning Tu, S. Tom Picraux, Nanoletters 13, 1869 (2013)